
Originally, during the Battle of Britain of World War 2, “spotters” were the soldiers in charge of airspace surveillance. They were alerting upon the approach of German bombers.

To-day, they are still scanning the sky in search for THE exceptional aeronautical image…

For many years, the “Fondation des Oeuvres Sociales de l’Air- FOSA- “(Foundation for Airforce Community Services) has opted to promote the presence of spotters at the bases where the air meetings take place. Since 2016, the possibility to opt for four-day participations has been offered as well as proposals to “cover the departures”. Monday and Friday are specific days in that regulations and an appropriate framework allow you to occupy places as close as possible to the runway and therefore flight demonstrations, as well as planes that are on the ground in the car parks. Exceptionally this year, the public holiday of Thursday 18th will be dedicated to arrivals.

Past participants have thus been able to produce exceptional images and did not hesitate to thank FOSA and management personnel for this new organization; this has been acknowledged by social networks: 60% of spotters responded to a feedback questionnaire, which will allow FOSA to continue to improve the organization.

For Orléans (May 23 to 26), there will be around 300 photographers per day over the 2 days of the meeting. For other days no limitation in number. Prices have not changed since last year.

Reservations for the Meeting de l'Air d'Orléans-Bricy spotter days are open

For spotters, FOSA continues its partnership with several brands (Canon, Nikon, Sigma and Sony are expected) who, during their presence at the meetings, will be able to lend their latest equipment.

In addition, a photo contest, with great prizes offered by these partners, is organized for spotters. It will include one theme per partner brand and will concern the air meeting, but also some civil meetings partners of FOSA. After a first pre-selection on social networks, a jury will meet in November to designate the winners.

You will find the results of past competitions in the menu at the top fo the page.

©2025 Fondation des Œuvres Sociales de l'Air / Armée de l'Air et de l'Espace -Tous droits réservés

Crédits photos © 2025 SIRPA Air et Espace - Armée de l'Air et de l'Espace - / Concours Photos Spotters - Fondation des Œuvres Sociales de l'Air /Tous droits réservés

BA 123 Orléans-Bricy